
6.857 Computer and Systems Security

Diffie Hellman Key Exchange

Let g be a generator. (a, b)’s are secret, (ga, gb) are exchanged, and gab is the key.

Discrete Log Assumption

Given g and gx, it is computationally hard to find x.

CDH - Computational Diffie Hellman Assumption

Given ga and gb, compute gab.

DDH - Decisional Diffie Hellman Assumption Assumption

Given ga, gb, and gc, decide whether gab = gc.

Pedersen Commitment

Alice gives (g, h=ga) to Bob. Bob commits to c = gxhr where x is his secret and r is random. Alice can’t figure out what x is and Bob can’t change his secret.

Zero Knowledge Proof Example

Knowing a 3-coloring of a graph, Alice commits to a coloring of random three colors. When asked two adjacent nodes Alice reveals the colors, showing Bob that they are distinctly colored. Then Alice recommits to another randomized coloring and repeats the process until Bob is convinced. This way Alice does not reveal any information about her coloring.

* Every NP statement has zero knowledge proof.

El-Gamal Encryption

Let (SK, PK) = (x, gx) be private/public key pair. Pick random k and send (a, b) = (gk, m*PKk) as encrypted message. To decrypt, compute b/ax = m.

Digital Signature Scheme from Encyption Scheme

Abel-Ruffini Theorem

Abstract Algebra Preliminary